Music Blog3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Child’s Piano Lessons

Piano lessons are supposed to be fun. You are supposed to learn songs that want to play so that you are inspired to continue learning.

3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Child’s Piano Lessons

Giving your child the gift of piano lessons is one of the best things you can do for them! Music lessons enhance so many parts of our lives and affect us in countless ways. Naturally, you want what’s best for your kids. You want to make sure they a getting all the benefits that piano lessons can offer. Here at Brampton In-Home Music, we have a lot of experience helping families get the most from their lessons with us. Here are a few things you can do to help get the most benefit from piano lessons.

1. Choose a qualified piano teacher
It seems like there is someone on every corner willing to teach piano lessons in the neighbourhood. While this may seem convenient is it really the best thing for your child? While your neighbour’s teenager may seem to have it together and has taken lessons herself for while she may not be a particularly good piano instructor. It takes more than a few years of lessons and nice personality to affectively teach music. There are many techniques needed for a beginner student that a young person may not have developed themselves, let alone be able to teach to someone else. You put a lot of time and energy into your child’s development. Be sure that you choose a music school with qualified, professional piano teachers from the very beginning.

2. Have a piano at home to practice on
When taking piano lessons your children will need to practice. Having an instrument at home is essential to learning. With that said you don’t necessarily need a full acoustic piano in the house. An electronic keyboard will suffice for the first 6 months to a year. After they have taking lessons for a while you can look at buying something more permanent.

3. Use a recognized piano lesson method
Piano lessons are supposed to be fun. You are supposed to learn songs that want to play so that you are inspired to continue learning. It is also important to develop solid piano techniques. Using a recognized piano method like Alfred Piano Methods or the Royal Conservatory of Music will help ensure that your child is learning the piano lesson techniques they need to be able to play any song they choose.


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One-time registration fee - $25 (due at time of registration)

In Studio Music Lessons

$36 - 30 minute private music lessons (paid monthly)

In-Home music lessons:

$70 - 45 minute private music lessons in your home (paid monthly)

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