Music Blog3 Piano Lesson Practice Tips

3 Piano Lesson Practice Tips Learning how to play the piano can be an amazing experience but it can feel a bit daunting at times.  You want to sound great right from the very first lesson, but you quickly realize that it’s going to take longer. Here are a few tips that will keep you...

3 Piano Lesson Practice Tips

Learning how to play the piano can be an amazing experience but it can feel a bit daunting at times.  You want to sound great right from the very first lesson, but you quickly realize that it’s going to take longer.

Here are a few tips that will keep you progressing in your piano lessons and help make the learning process a bit easier.  These piano lesson tips come from the many years of experience we have gained at the Brampton School of Music.  We have taught piano lessons to thousands of children and adults over the past 30 years!

  1. Practice the piano every day (if possible)
    It’s better to practice the piano for a few minutes every day than to cram for an hour or two at the end of the week.  Slow and steady wins the race.  Your body and your brain need this consistency to make learning the most effective.
  2. Use a recognized piano method
    There are several popular piano methods out there. A few of the more popular methods are Faber Piano Adventures, Alfred’s Basic Piano Library, and Royal Conservatory of Music.  All three of these piano lesson methods are great because they work on key musical elements in a logical and organized manner that takes the student from beginner to advanced.
  3. Play songs that you love too
    While there are many great songs in the piano method books you should also learn how to play familiar songs that you enjoy. Playing songs that you recognize can be very motivating and is very important to help in keeping your interest up.


We hope you find these piano lesson practice tips helpful.  Stay tuned for more in future updates.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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