Music BlogMusic Lesson Update – November 2024

My  name  is  Tanya  and this is Vanessa and we  are  here  with  your  June  update  of  all  the  new  and  exciting  things  that  you  need  to  know  about  the  Brampton School of Music.

Welcome back everybody!

We’re here with your monthly update for all the news and updates that you need to know about the Brampton School of Music for November.

What’s on the agenda:

– welcoming our new students
– wishing students and staff a very happy birthday
– retirement home showcase highlights
– teacher and student of the month
– winter recital details
– tips and trick 

Let’s start off by welcoming over 90 of new students joining us to help on your musical journey!

We will next celebrate our students with November birthdays.

Happy birthday to 23 Brampton students and to our teachers:
Makayla and Kaelyn
And our administrator:

Retirement home showcases

We love being able to provide experiences to our students and families to help encourage learning different ways to give back to the community in some sort of way. We had the pleasure of bringing a group of students to share their music with some members of their community at the Creek Way Village retirement home in Burlington. It was a very special time to be able to get the students to connect with the seniors at the home. We just love being able to teach and help instil the desire to care for and connect with your community to help foster that sense of gratitude and connection. That is a really special piece of everything that we do. Stay tuned for our next community-centered experience to join in on!

Student of the Month

Our student of the month for November for showing consistent dedication, practice, excitement and progress in lessons is Olivia V! Congratulations to you, Olivia!

Our teacher of the month is Margaret!

Margaret is one of our outstanding Brampton piano and violin teachers. She puts her all into her work to make her student’s experiences the best it can possibly be. We are thrilled to see her show up for her students at the recital this December and can catch her performing with her violin students as she often does!
Thank you for all that you do, Margaret!

Winter Recital 2024

We very happy to share that we only have a few spaces left at our 7 p.m. showcase which we needed to open up due to popular demand!
That means we have about 450 students taking the stage at the Living Arts Center!
We cannot be more excited for you to see everyone show their hard earned talents. We will have more details to come for checking in for your show and what to expect the day of the show.

Tips and Tricks

We are in full gear of prepping for recitals and they are coming up fast!
As you’re practicing very hard every single week on your recital pieces, students often memorize their piece of music. We like to take this time for the opportunity for a reminder that we still very much recommend bringing in your sheet music for the day of your show.
There’s something about having the music available in front of you that just kind of eases the nerves and the pressure of the lights and the audience. Having it accessible is very helpful in case you need to refer back to it and for any reason.

Our goal is to make sure everyone is arriving prepared and ready to hit the stage for an amazing show!

Secret Word:

Call, text, email and even come in and drop by to let our admin staff know the secret word to be entered into a draw for a $25 Amazon gift card!
Check out the video below for the winner of last month’s draw too!

That’s all for this month
Bye for now!

Don’t forget to pick up your Musical Ladder Practice Buddy at the desk after your first challenge!
One fun buddy to practice with once you’ve completed your Apprentice challenge for three months of music lessons!

Musical Ladder System® Achievements

Brampton School of Music is the only music school in the area offering students the opportunity to earn special wristbands, trophies and certificates passing musical challenges with the Musical Ladder System®. This system helps motivate students to create and achieve musical goals with their instructor.

Proud parents, ambitious students and excited teachers. Everybody wins!

Alexeah M
Ashna P
Caleb R
Chase B
Emma N
Leonard B
Luca K
Malaika B
Shaan P
Zoe Z
Aaria C
Adam A
Alexander M
Avani S
Camden S
Ellis K
Faisal A
Haylie R
Jessica D
Kanwar R
Leen A
Lina S
Mateo T
Puling Y
Stuti C
Temisan A
Nia B
Kijain M
Haliey L
Avninder K
Daniel O
Melissa D
Varad H
Eve K
Yusuf A
Zara B
Prithesh C
Veda G
Vaibhav G
Riley M
Meesha S
Sanjeev M
Dan H
Lance V
Bhavisha G

Jacob L
Sydney L
Musa S
Maryam G
Gandom F
Isabelle T
Leyla E
Maya K
Isaac Z
Abby Z
Robert H
Pearl K
Pippa K
Abby P
Varun S
Rayn S
Poppy O
Mikhael S
Anabya S
Niam M
Pranit G
Nyan M
Neev P
Madeline C
Vivian D
Austyn B
Brian B
Jessica T
Saisuban S
Daksh B
Sofia R
Hanumithen K
Tala S
Kimberly H
Christian H
Amelia H
Ezra M
Ashley W
Janu M
Ron A
Aliyah A
Georgia A
Shanelle Y
Simriti S
Chosen C

Mia  B
Raul G
Lina  S
Paige B
Gabriela  C
Kian S
Advika P
Janvi C
Aanya G
Ansh  A
Santiago C
Lavanya M
Maraal Z
William B
Vivianne P
Malina H
Dhruv V
Ella  Z

Tristen R
Pavan S
Jovan J
Stephanie T
Akira H
Raina L
Peter N
Alexandra C
Maryam K
Thomas G M
Shaan P
Mira S
Vidhika N
Mia C
Savannah G
Amine  E
Zachary O
Ivana P
Ishana  S

Maria R. (Piano)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Thursdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Fridays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Saturdays: 3 SLOTS LEFT
Sundays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Hector G. (Piano)
Mondays: SOLD OUT
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Thursdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Heather W. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT

Mischa A. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Thursdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Saturdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Joe P. (Piano)
Tuesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Thursdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Edmund B. (Piano)
Mondays: 2 SLOTS LEFT
Saturdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Justus H. (Guitar & Ukulele)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Thursdays: 3 SLOTS LEFT

Korina E. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: SOLD OUT
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Saturdays: SOLD OUT

Nathan F. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: SOLD OUT
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Fridays: SOLD OUT
Saturdays: SOLD OUT

Mario P. (Guitar & Ukulele)
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Thursdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Jake K. (Guitar, Piano, Ukulele)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT
Thursdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Anthony (Guitar & Ukulele)
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Fridays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Anirudh (Guitar & Ukulele)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Graham D. (Piano & Voice)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT
Saturdays: SOLD OUT

Margaret P. (Piano & Violin)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Thursdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT
Fridays: 3 SLOTS LEFT
Saturdays: SOLD OUT

Devi L. (Piano)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Sundays: SOLD OUT

Maddy L. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: SOLD OUT
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Saturdays: SOLD OUT

Eric T. (Guitar)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Lidiia K. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Tuesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT
Wednesday: 2 SLOTS LEFT
Thursday: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Maria M. (Piano)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Fridays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Makayla (Piano)
Saturdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Jonathan (Piano)
Mondays: SOLD OUT
Tuesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT
Fridays: 1 SLOTS LEFT
Saturdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Paul M. (Drums)
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT

Jason W. (Piano)
Thursdays: 1 SLOT LEFT


Recital Registration Deadline – December 2
Winter Recital – December 13-15
Winter Break – December 23 – January 3 – No lessons
Family Day – February 17 – Closed
Spring Break – March 9-15 – No lessons
March 22, 2025 – Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Dress Rehearsal, Brampton
April 26, 2025 – Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Destination Recital, Cleveland Ohio


Sign up is easy and parent-friendly, with helpful staff available seven days a week to serve you. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material or performance fees, and no semester minimums.
Ready to Start Music Lessons at Brampton School of Music


Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!


One-time registration fee - $25 (due at time of registration)

In Studio Music Lessons

$36 - 30 minute private music lessons (paid monthly)

In-Home music lessons:

$70 - 45 minute private music lessons in your home (paid monthly)

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Brampton School of Music