Brampton Guitar Lessons

Guitar Lessons at Brampton School of Music a Division of Academy of Music

Our guitar lessons at Brampton School of Music combine the stability of traditional guitar lessons with the fun of learning what you really want on the guitar. Not only will you learn songs that you love, guitar chords, and rhythms, you can also choose to learn how to read music and guitar theory. This combined approach to music lessons is designed keep you or your children motivated from the very first guitar lesson!


Our guitar lessons at Brampton School of Music are all private one-on-one. This means that the teacher can focus on your individual learning style. Private lessons also mean that you are able to learn the type of music you enjoy the most.


At your first guitar lesson your teacher may ask you what you favorite type of music is.  If you’re brand new and have never played the guitar before our teachers are very patient. They will start at the beginning: You will learn how to hold the guitar, how to sit so you can play comfortably, and how to adjust your hands when playing guitar to get a good tone. Even after your first lesson, you will be able to  play something, either a chord or basic melody!


What styles of guitar do you teach?

We teach most styles, from rock, pop, jazz, blues, metal, and country guitar – on electric and acoustic guitars.

Are your guitar instructors qualified?

Our guitar teachers have received their musical education from such prestigious institutions as York University, Humber College, Mohawk College, and the University of Toronto.  Many have toured the US and Canada, and bring years of professional music performance and teaching experience to your lessons.

What age should you start guitar lessons?

We recommend that children start guitar lessons at age 6 and up.  While every child is different, we have found that children under 6 often find it challenging to push the down on the strings and get a consistent tone.  We suggest that younger children (age 6-8) start with a 3/4 size classical guitar with nylon strings.  The smaller size is much easier to handle and the nylon strings are more comfortable to push down on.

If your child is under 6 years old we recommend starting with ukulele lessons.  The ukulele is very similar to the guitar but it’s much smaller and easier to play.  Most young students will be able play a few chords and a song after only a few lessons!  Many of our ukulele students switch to guitar lessons as they grow.

Am I too old to start guitar lessons?

Absolutely not!  In fact we have taught hundreds of adults how to play the guitar.  One of the greatest things about adults is that they already know what they want to learn.  This makes it easier for the teacher to customize a lesson plan just for you.  Want to learn how to play campfire songs?  Great!  Are you more interested is shredding some electric blues guitar?  Perfect!  Our guitar teachers will take the time to get to know you and your personal music lesson goals and put together a plan to get you there.

How do I Tune my Guitar?

It can take a few weeks or even months for a young guitar student to learn how to tune their own guitar well.  Our guitar teachers usually begin each lesson by tuning it for them.  If you want to get a head start here are a couple of ways to tune your guitar online.  There are two types of online guitar tuners.  One plays the pitch of each string.  You adjust your guitar by listening and matching the pitch.  The other uses your microphone and determines the pitch for you.  As you tighten/loosen your strings the tuner will recognize the changes and guide you to raise or lower the pitch until the guitar is in tune.  Here a great online tuner that offers both options:

What will I learn in my guitar lessons?

Beginner guitar students at the Brampton School of Music will work on chords, simple songs and melodies, sight reading and music theory. Our guitar teachers balance musicianship and fun by making sure that you get a new technical or theory concept in each lesson, ending with something fun, such as your favorite riff or song. We use a variety of guitar method books, and encourage students to bring their smart phone or MP3’s to their lessons to learn their favorite songs.

How long will it take to learn the guitar?

Although this is on of the most popular questions we receive about guitar lessons it’s one of the trickiest to answer.  There are many factors to consider.  How old is the guitar student?  How much  do they practice.  Do they have the right kind of guitar?  You should be able to play a few chords and simple songs in only a few weeks but to become an expert it’s a much longer journey.  Instead of thinking about how long it will take you might want to think about how much you will enjoy learning and improving in your guitar lessons.

Why choose the guitar over other instruments?

Guitar lessons provide a great opportunity to learn the kind of music you love, and learn how to express yourself with this amazing instrument!  It’s portable so you can play it almost anywhere. The guitar is one of the most versatile instruments you can play. There are many popular guitar styles including classical, jazz, rock, blues, pop, and so many more.  You can play almost every style of music on the guitar!


Most students start guitar lessons at age 6 and older.  While your little one might be a bit small for the guitar they may be perfect for the ukulele.  The soprano ukulele is much smaller than the guitar and it only has 4 strings.  Many of the patterns are the same as the guitar and can easily be transferred when switching to guitar lessons later.   The ukulele is a great instrument to start on!  It’s easier to play, and most students will be able to play a few chords and songs in their first lesson.   Learn more about our ukulele lessons Brampton.

Ukulele Lessons in Brampton Ontario at Brampton School of Music A Division of Academy of Music


Whether the guitar lessons are for yourself or for a child you’ll want to make sure you get the most out your time and energy. Here at Brampton School of Music we have learned a few things that may help you on your journey. Just a few things that will help you get the most out of your guitar lessons with us.
Guitar teachers often have specific tunes or studies they prefer at the beginning stage. Important fundamentals for beginners to develop good guitar technique and habits. If you are going to purchase music books we suggest that you pick up a recognized guitar method to start in. This will help make sure that you don’t miss out on important lesson concepts when you’re first starting out. Our guitar teachers often use the Hal Leonard Guitar Method or Alfred’s Basic Guitar Method. In addition to the method book your teacher will ask you about your favourite music to incorporate into your lessons. It’s very important to learn the kind of music that you really want to play.
You want to learn how to play the guitar right? Getting a couple of cool guitar licks or a song or two from YouTube is ok but if you really want to learn you will need a good guitar teacher. Someone who is qualified and relatable. Your guitar teacher should be able to share lesson concepts in a way that you understand and be able to adapt when needed. Our Brampton School of Music teachers have warm personalities and will get to know you and the music you are interested in. Whether you want to learn classic rock or classical guitar our qualified and fun teachers are happy to help.
Countless studies have shown that setting goals is a very important part of succeeding in any activity. This is absolutely true in guitar lessons. There are many different ways to set goals. You can try to master a specific song, scale, or guitar technique by a specific date, or you can set a goal to play your song a certain number times per day or week. At Brampton School of Music we have several programs designed to help you or your children set and achieve musical goals in your guitar lessons. There are at least two optional recitals every year, our exclusive Musical Ladder System, and our 150 day practice challenge program.
This might seem like a no-brainer but all too often guitar teachers focus so much on technique and theory that it may actually scare students off. You do need to learn good guitar technique it just needs to be taught in a fun and accessible way. There are a lot of ways your guitar teacher can make your lessons more fun from doing songs that you love to playing music related learning games. It’s our goal at Brampton School of Music to always hire fun and easy going guitar teachers so that you are loving your guitar lessons and are inspired to keep learning more.
You probably have a certain style in mind when think about playing the guitar. It's definitely important to learn what inspired you to take guitar lessons in the first place. You may find it interesting to know that there are literally hundreds of unique guitar styles played all around the world. Learning about different musicians and guitar styles can help you expand your musical mind.
You might even find something new that you love!
Starting with the right guitar can make a big difference for the beginner. It should be the right size and feel comfortable when you play. We recommend that younger students use a 3/4 size guitar with nylon strings. The smaller size will make holding the guitar easier while the softer strings are are less painful to push down. An electric guitar is also a bit smaller and easier to play provided you have one of a decent quality. Full size acoustic guitars are fine for older kids and adults.
Believe it or not just showing up for your guitar lessons is not enough. Much of your learning comes from having a regular practice schedule. This means scheduling a practice session every day. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t make it happen every day. It’s the act of scheduling that will help you stay on track. It has been proven that we develop skills over time with consistency. Practicing the guitar daily for 15-20 minutes will give you better results than cramming in a few hours of practice the day before your guitar lesson.

Here at Brampton School of Music our guitar students can participate in a really cool practice challenge program. Students work through the levels and earn buttons, achievement medals, and fun grand prizes, just for playing more guitar!
One great way to know if you're really learning is to perform in a guitar recital. Performing the guitar in a recital means that you need to practice one or two pieces of music until you can play them really well on the guitar. This also gives you and your teacher something specific to work on in your lessons. Many studies have shown that students who perform regularly stay in guitar lessons longer. Here at the Brampton School of Music we offer a minimum of 2 recitals per year. These events are free for our students. There are no tickets to purchase or participation fees on any kind. Performing in recitals and concerts will help you get more out of your guitar lessons.


Sign up is easy and parent-friendly, with helpful staff available seven days a week to serve you. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material or performance fees, and no semester minimums.
Ready to Start Music Lessons at Brampton School of Music


Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!


One-time registration fee - $25 (due at time of registration)

In Studio Music Lessons
$36 - 30 minute private music lessons (paid monthly)

In-Home music lessons:
$70 - 45 minute private music lessons in your home (paid monthly)

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