
Music BlogMusic Lesson Update – May 2024

In  the  month  of  April,  we  have  had  the  pleasure  of  welcoming  66  new  students  who  are  ready  and  eager  to  start  their  musical  journey  with  us.

Welcome  back  everybody!

We  are  here  with  your  monthly  update  for  all  the  news  and  updates  you  need  to  know  about  the  Brampton School of Music for  May.

What’s  on  the  agenda  for  this  month:

– welcoming  our  new  students
– wishing  students  and  staff  a  very  happy  birthday
– recital  highlights  and  fundraiser  totals
– teacher  and  student  of  the  month
– tips  and  tricks
– teacher  appreciation  week
– secret  word  draw

In  the  month  of  April,  we  have  had  the  pleasure  of  welcoming  66  new  students  who  are  ready  and  eager  to  start  their  musical  journey  with  us.

Next up, a huge  happy  birthday  going  out  to  17 of our Brampton  students,  as  well  as  seven  of  our  instructors. 

Happy birthday to our teachers:
Justin  K
Jason W

Spring Recital

We  just  had  the  pleasure  of  hosting  that  at  the  Mississauga  Living  Arts  Center  a  couple  of  weeks  ago.  We  had  over  400  students  get  up  on  stage  to  share  their  musical  skills  with  us. Congratulations  to  everybody  who  participated.  Thank  you  to  all  the  parents,  families  and  all  the  other  at -home  support  who  make  that  happen.  It’s  so  exciting  to  see  everything  come  together  for  all  the  practice  and  see  everybody  participate.

Thank  you  also  to  the  teachers  who  spend  every  lesson  getting their students ready  so  that  you  can  get  up  on  stage  nice  and  confident,  as  well  as  everybody  that’s  behind  the  scenes  making  everything  a  memorable  time.

As  always,  we  are  always  focused  on  the  next  time  to  get  everyone  back  up  on  stage  and  we  already  have  the  winter  recital  locked  in. 

Winter Recital:
Living  Arts  Center – December  13th  to  15th

We’ll  keep  you  all up  to  date  when  registration  opens  in  September  but  you  won’t  want  to  miss  it!

Brampton Knights Table Fundraising

As  you  also  know  we  do  fundraise  at  each  of  our  spring  and  winter  recitals.  So  we  had  the  pleasure  of  fundraising  again  for  the Brampton Knights Table food bank.  So  we  raised  over  $770  which  goes  to  help  fund  food  for thousands of clients across the city.

Thank  you  to  everybody  who  is  able  to  donate  and  we  really  appreciate  you  guys  participating  in  all  of  that.

Student of the Month:

Each  month  we  recognize  a  student  who  was  showing  their  dedication  and  their  passion  for  their  lessons  when  they  come  in  each  week.
Congratulations  to  Nia L  for  keeping  up  the  great  work  every  week.

Teacher of the Month:

Our teacher  of  the  month  is  JC!
JC  is  one  of  the  most  calm  natured  and  soft -spoken  instructors  and  has  an  incredible  rapport  with  his  students.

We  appreciate  all  the  dedication  and  focus  on  making  each  student  feel  welcome  and  confident  in  each  lesson.  We  can’t  wait  to  see  you  keep  growing  with  us  at  the  Academy  of  Music,  JC. 

Tips & Tricks – Metronome Practice

Metronomes are either a physical device or a digital app you can use to help keep tempo.

When learning a new piece, set  your  metronome and your backing  track  if  you’re  using one  and  play  the  piece  through  until  you’re  comfortable. Then, turn off  the  metronome  turn  off  the  background  music  and  record  yourself  playing the whole piece.

Now let’s test our tempo, turn  your  metronome  back  on  and  listen  to your recording to  see  if  you  kept  the  pace well.  Maybe  there’s  a  couple  little  pieces  that  you  need  to  adjust  or  maybe  you’ve  mastered  it  now.

Repeat as you need! Remember  that  learning  a  music  piece  takes  a  lot  of  patience  and  a  lot  of  practice.

 So  be  patient  with  yourself  and  keep  practicing  just  what  you’re  learning. Little  steps  at  a  time  and  you’ll  be  mastering  it  in  no  time.

Teacher Appreciation Week

We  are  so  fortunate  to  have  a  team  full  of  wonderful  teachers  to  help  bring  music  to  our  students. Teacher  Appreciation  Week  is  May  5th to 11th  and  we  can’t  wait  to  celebrate  with  us.  We  have  cards  available  at  the  studio  to  write  a  special  message  to  your  teacher  and  we’ll  also  send  an  email  for  the  families  if  you  prefer  to  to  do  it  at  home.

Secret Word

If  you  stick  around  till  the  end  of  the  update,  we  reveal  a  secret  word  for  your  chance  to  win  a  $25  Amazon  gift  card.
Text,  call,  or  email  us,  the  May  secret  word:

Check  out  the  video  below for  the  draw  for  the  last  month’s  winner. 

That  is  all  the  updates  and  news  we  have  for  you   this all time. 
We  will  see  you  in  June. 

Bye  for  now!

Check out a couple highlights from the shows!

Don’t forget to pick up your Musical Ladder Practice Buddy at the desk after your first challenge!
One fun buddy to practice with once you’ve completed your Apprentice challenge for three months of music lessons!

Musical Ladder System® Achievements

Brampton School of Music is the only music school in the area offering students the opportunity to earn special wristbands, trophies and certificates passing musical challenges with the Musical Ladder System®. This system helps motivate students to create and achieve musical goals with their instructor.

Proud parents, ambitious students and excited teachers. Everybody wins!

Pamela R
Mia M
Victor G
Corley H
Meera K
Mila A
Elene A
Alison D
Matthew W
Sofia G
Kaitlyn W
Laura D
Matthew H
Parisa S
Kain S
Agatha O
Ainsley I
Alyson V
Alyssa K
Bhavya K
Devin K
Didula P
Jack C
Kaeleb K
Leo C
Madison C

Nancy F
George F
SriRaagnya M
Tejas M
Imogen G
Raina L
Ray L
Hutch S
Maria E
Tiffany M
Aelish D
Anisha M
Anaisha D
Anya D
Dori J
Irie Z
Isaac D
Naisha G
Olivia L
Saryna B
Seerit U
Vida Z
Marcus M
Nathan B

Angeline J
Brandon D
Jayden D
Lynn B
Rebecca S
Irie Z
Nyah L
Asher B
Shubham S

Princi P
Samuel M
Anika  S
Jayden  V
Liam  K
Jakob  P
Muska S
Baaj S

Noah C. (Guitar, Ukulele, Piano)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Maria R. (Piano)
Mondays: 3 SLOTS LEFT

Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT

Hector G. (Piano)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT

Heather W. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Alexandra P. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT

Joe P. (Piano)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Edmund B. (Piano)
Mondays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Justus H. (Guitar & Ukulele)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Korina E. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Nathan F. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Mario P. (Guitar & Ukulele)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Jake K. (Guitar, Piano, Ukulele)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT

Anthony (Guitar & Ukulele)
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT

Graham D. (Piano & Voice)
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT

Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT
Saturdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Han (Violin)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Fridays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Margaret P. (Piano & Violin)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Thursdays: SOLD OUT

Devi L. (Piano)

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Sundays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Justin K. (Drums & Piano)
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT

Thursdays: New day for piano
Friday: New day for Oakville drums

Maddy L. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Eric T. (Guitar)
Mondays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Adam E. (Piano)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Lidiia K. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Maria M. (Piano)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Robert P. (Guitar & Ukulele)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

JC. A. (Piano)
Thursdays: 3 SLOTS LEFT

Fridays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Maddy L. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Tuesdays: 3 SLOTS LEFT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT


Spirit Week – Jersey Week – May 12-18
Mountainview Residence Showcase – May 14
Victoria Day – CLOSED – May 20
Canada Day – CLOSED – July 1
Winter Recital – December 13-15


Sign up is easy and parent-friendly, with helpful staff available seven days a week to serve you. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material or performance fees, and no semester minimums.
Ready to Start Music Lessons at Brampton School of Music


Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!


One-time registration fee - $25 (due at time of registration)

In Studio Music Lessons

$36 - 30 minute private music lessons (paid monthly)

In-Home music lessons:

$70 - 45 minute private music lessons in your home (paid monthly)

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Brampton School of Music